College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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The PTR Process


PTR home page with goals, history, current topics, and events.


PTR home page with goals, history, current topics, and events.


PTR home page with goals, history, current topics, and events.

Pathways to Results (PTR) is an outcomes-focused, equity-guided process to improve student transition to postsecondary education and employment. PTR focuses on addressing equity gaps between diverse learner groups and continuously improving processes critical to degree pathways and programs of study that extend from the secondary to the postsecondary level. PTR is led by education, employer, and community partners whose shared goal is success for all students.

The framework for PTR is grounded in the Equity Scorecard® and related work of The Center for Urban Education led by Drs. Estela Bensimon and Alicia Dowd. We value their insights, encouragement and support of OCCRL’s work on PTR.