College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Comprehensive P-20 Educational Pathways

Supporting development of transparent, equitable, and supportive pathways through the educational system for all students.

What We Do


  • CTE Apprenticeships is an environmental scan that is designed to describe the utilization of CTE apprenticeships in Illinois, the CTE programs these apprenticeships are embedded in, and the student populations engaged in these apprenticeships.
  • The Hispanic-Serving Community Colleges STEM Pipelines study endeavors to establish a richer understanding of the ways that HSCCs may affect student persistence among diverse learners and illuminate ways that these unique institutional contexts play a role in furthering educational comes for STEM students.
  • The Reverse Transfer Illinois project is an exploratory study of implementation of reverse transfer in the state of Illinois. The goal of this project is to bridge research and practice to improve transfer processes and promote positive outcomes for students.
  • Transitioning Learners to Calculus in Community Colleges (TLC3) is a research project aimed at transforming institutional approaches to matriculating STEM majors into and through Calculus II in community colleges.