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Refereed Articles and Scholarly Books


Bell, L. A. (2010). Storytelling for social justice: Connecting narrative and the arts in antiracist teaching. NY: Routledge.


Brown, W. J. (2010). Student multicultural awareness in online community college classes. Multicultural Education & Technology Journal4(2), 99-112.


Buckley, J. B., & Quaye, S. J. (2016). A vision of social justice in intergroup dialogue. Race Ethnicity and Education19(5), 1117-1139.


Bush, E. C., & Bush, L. V. (2010). Calling Out the Elephant: An Examination of African American Male Achievement in Community Colleges. Journal of African American Males in Education1(1).


Chang, J. C. (2005). Faculty student interaction at the community college: A focus on students of colorResearch in Higher Education46(7), 769-802. 


Chang, M. J. (2000). Improving campus racial dynamics: A balancing act among competing interests. The Review of Higher Education23(2), 153-175.


Crisp, G., & Nuñez, A. M. (2014). Understanding the racial transfer gap: Modeling underrepresented minority and nonminority students' pathways from two-to four-year institutions. The Review of Higher Education37(3), 291-320.


Cuellar, M., & Johnson-Ahorlu, R. N. (2016). Examining the complexity of the campus racial climate at a Hispanic serving community collegeCommunity College Review44(2), 135-152.


Dejear Jr, M. L., Chen, Y., Baber, L. D., & Li, R. (2018). Perceptions of Data-Driven Decision Making on Student Success: A Study of Culture, Collaboration, and Advocacy Among Community College Leaders. Community College Enterprise24(1), 41-60.


Gloria, A. M., Castellanos, J., & Orozco, V. (2005). Perceived educational barriers, cultural fit, coping responses, and psychological well-being of Latina undergraduatesHispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences27(2), 161-183.


Goodman, D. J. (2011). Promoting diversity and social justice: Educating people from privileged groups. NY: Routledge.


Gordon da Cruz, C. (2017). Critical community-engaged scholarship: Communities and universities striving for racial justice. Peabody Journal of Education92(3), 363-384.


Griffin, K. A., Pifer, M. J., Humphrey, J. R., & Hazelwood, A. M. (2011). (Re) defining departure: Exploring Black professors’ experiences with and responses to racism and racial climateAmerican Journal of Education117(4), 495-526.


Gusa, D. L. (2010). White institutional presence: The impact of Whiteness on campus climateHarvard Educational Review80(4), 464-490.


Hagedorn, L. S., Chi, W. Y., Cepeda, R. M., & McLain, M. (2007). An investigation of critical mass: The role of Latino representation in the success of urban community college studentsResearch in Higher Education48(1), 73-91.


Harper, S. R. (2009). Race, interest convergence, and transfer outcomes for Black male student athletes. New Directions for Community Colleges2009(147), 29-37.


Harper, S. R. (2009). Niggers no more: A critical race counternarrative on Black male student achievement at predominantly White colleges and universities. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education22(6), 697-712.


Harper, S. R. (2012). Race without racism: How higher education researchers minimize racist institutional norms. The Review of Higher Education36(1), 9-29.


Harris III, F., & Wood, J. L. (2013). Student success for men of color in community colleges: A review of published literature and research, 1998–2012. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education6(3), 174.


Hernandez, J. C., & Lopez, M. A. (2004). Leaking pipeline: Issues impacting Latino/a college student retention. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice6(1), 37-60.


Huber, L. P. (2009). Challenging racist nativist framing: Acknowledging the community cultural wealth of undocumented Chicana college students to reframe the immigration debate. Harvard Educational Review79(4), 704-730.


Hughes, G. (2013). Racial justice, hegemony, and bias incidents in US higher education. Multicultural Perspectives15(3), 126-132.


Hurtado, S. (2002). Creating a climate of inclusion. The racial crisis in American higher education: Continuing challenges for the twenty-first century, 121-135.


Hurtado, S., Alvarado, A. R., & Guillermo-Wann, C. (2015). Thinking about race: The salience of racial identity at two-and four-year colleges and the climate for diversity. The Journal of Higher Education86(1), 127-155.


Hurtado, S., & Carter, D. F. (1997). Effects of college transition and perceptions of the campus racial climate on Latino college students' sense of belonging. Sociology of education, 324-345.


Jain, D. (2009). Critical race theory and community colleges: Through the eyes of women student leaders of colorCommunity College Journal of Research and Practice34(1-2), 78-91.


Jayakumar, U., Vue, R., & Allen, W. (2013). Pathways to college for young Black scholars: A community cultural wealth perspectiveHarvard Educational Review83(4), 551-579.


Latz, A. O., Ozaki, C. C., Royer, D. W., & Hornak, A. M. (2017). Student affairs professionals in the community college: Critically examining preparation programs from a social justice lens. Community College Journal of Research and Practice41(11), 733-746.


Levin, J. S., Jackson-Boothby, A., Haberler, Z., & Walker, L. (2015). “Dangerous Work”: Improving Conditions for Faculty of Color in the Community College. Community College Journal of Research and Practice39(9), 852-864.


Locks, A. M., Hurtado, S., Bowman, N. A., & Oseguera, L. (2008). Extending notions of campus climate and diversity to students' transition to college. The Review of Higher Education31(3), 257-285.


Martinez, E., Acevedo-Gil, N., & Murillo, E. G. (2017). Latinx and the Community College: Promoting Pathways to Postsecondary Degrees. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal11(2).


Maxwell, W., & Shammas, D. (2007). Research on race and ethnic relations among community college studentsCommunity College Review34(4), 344-361.


McConkie, P. J. (1998). Race and higher education: A rallying-cry for racial justice and equal educational opportunity. UALR L. Rev.21, 979.


Montenegro, E., & Jankowski, N. A. (2015). Focused on what matters: Assessment of student learning outcomes at minority-serving institutionsUrbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA).


Museus, S. D., Nichols, A. H., & Lambert, A. D. (2008). Racial differences in the effects of campus racial climate on degree completion: A structural equation model. The Review of Higher Education32(1), 107-134.


Museus, S. D., Sariñana, S. A. L., & Ryan, T. K. (2015). A qualitative examination of multiracial students' coping responses to experiences with prejudice and discrimination in college. Journal of College Student Development56(4), 331-348.


Nadal, K. L., Wong, Y., Griffin, K. E., Davidoff, K., & Sriken, J. (2014). The adverse impact of racial microaggressions on college students' self-esteem. Journal of college student development55(5), 461-474.


Nuñez, A. M. (2009). Latino students' transitions to college: A social and intercultural capital perspectiveHarvard Educational Review79(1), 22-48.


Nuñez, A. M. (2009). A critical paradox? Predictors of latino students' sense of belonging in college. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 2(1), 46-61.


Orfield, G., Marin, P., & Horn, C. L. (2005). Higher Education and the Color Line: College Access, Racial Equity, and Social Change. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.


Osler, A. (2009). Citizenship education, democracy and racial justice 10 years on. Race Equality Teaching27(3), 21-27.


Pasque, P. A., Bowman, N. A., Small, J. L., & Lewis, R. (2009). Student-created curricular and co-curricular pathways toward participation in a diverse democracy. Multicultural Perspectives11(2), 80-89.


Pasque, P. A., Chesler, M. A., Charbeneau, J., & Carlson, C. (2013). Pedagogical approaches to student racial conflict in the classroom. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education6(1), 1-16.


Pasque, P. A., & Harris, B. (2013). Moving From Social Justice to Social Agency: Keeping It Messy1. Reflection in action: A guidebook for student affairs professionals and teaching faculty, 133-154.


Person, A. E., & Rosenbaum, J. E. (2006). 'Chain enrollment' and 'college enclaves': Benefits and drawbacks for Latino college students. New directions for community colleges2006(133), 51-60.


Price, D. B., Hyle, A. E., & Jordan, K. V. (2009). Ties that blind: Perpetuation of racial comfort and discomfort at a community college. Community College Review37(1), 3-33.


Quaye, S. J. (2007). The Outcomes of Contemporary Student Activism. About Campus12(2), 2-9.


Quaye, S. J., & Baxter Magolda, M. B. (2007). Enhancing racial self‐understanding through structured learning and reflective experiences. New Directions for Student Services2007(120), 55-66.


Quaye, S. J., & Poon, T. (2008). Engaging Racial/Ethnic Minority Students in Predominantly White. Student engagement in higher education: Theoretical perspectives and practical approaches for diverse populations, 157.


Renner, K. E., & Moore, T. (2004). The more things change, the more they stay the same: The elusive search for racial equity in higher education. Analyses of social issues and public policy4(1), 227-241.


Rhoads, R. A., & Valadez, J. R. (2016). Democracy, multiculturalism, and the community college: A critical perspective. NY: Routledge.


Shammas, D. S. (2009). Post-9/11 Arab and Muslim American community college students: Ethno-religious enclaves and perceived discriminationCommunity College Journal of Research and Practice33(3-4), 283-308.


Shammas, D. (2017). Underreporting discrimination among Arab American and Muslim American community college students: using focus groups to unravel the ambiguities within the survey dataJournal of Mixed Methods Research11(1), 99-123.


Smith, W. A., Allen, W. R., & Danley, L. L. (2007). “Assume the position... you fit the description” psychosocial experiences and racial battle fatigue among African American male college students. American Behavioral Scientist51(4), 551-578.


Smith, W. A., Yosso, T. J., & Solórzano, D. G. (2007). Racial primes and Black misandry on historically White campuses: Toward critical race accountability in educational administration. Educational Administration Quarterly43(5), 559-585.


Smith, W. A., Yosso, T. J., & Solórzano, D. G. (2011). Challenging racial battle fatigue on historically White campuses: A critical race examination of race-related stress. In Covert racism (pp. 211-237). Brill.


Solórzano, D., Ceja, M., & Yosso, T. (2000). Critical race theory, racial microaggressions, and campus racial climate: The experiences of African American college studentsJournal of Negro education, 60-73.


Solórzano, D. G., Villalpando, O., & Oseguera, L. (2005). Educational inequities and Latina/o undergraduate students in the United States: A critical race analysis of their educational progress. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education4(3), 272-294.


Spanierman, L. B., Beard, J. C., & Todd, N. R. (2012). White men’s fears, White women’s tears: Examining gender differences in racial affect types. Sex Roles67(3-4), 174-186.


Stevenson, T. N., & Zamani-Gallaher, E. M. (2016). Racialized and gendered experiences of African American female faculty at public community colleges. In P. A. Pasque, M. P. Ting, N. Ortega, & J. C. Burkhardt (Eds.), Transforming understandings of diversity in higher education: Demography, democracy and discourse (pp. 180-201). Sterling, VA: Stylus.


Stotzer, R. L., & Hossellman, E. (2012). Hate crimes on campus: Racial/ethnic diversity and campus safety. Journal of interpersonal violence27(4), 644-661.


Stovall, D. (2006). Forging community in race and class: Critical race theory and the quest for social justice in education. Race ethnicity and Education9(3), 243-259.


Teranishi, R. T. (2002). Asian Pacific Americans and critical race theory: An examination of school racial climate. Equity & Excellence in Education35(2), 144-154.


Vera, H., & Feagin, J. R. (Eds.). (2007). Handbook of the sociology of racial and ethnic relations. New York, NY: Springer.


Villalpando, O. (2004). Practical considerations of critical race theory and Latino critical theory for Latino college students. New directions for student services2004(105), 41-50.


Walpole, M., Chambers, C. R., & Goss, K. (2014). Race, class, gender and community college persistence among African American women. NASPA Journal about Women in Higher Education7(2), 153-176.


Warren, M. R. (2010). Fire in the heart: How white activists embrace racial justice. Oxford University Press.


Welton, A. D., & Freelon, R. (2018). Community organizing as educational leadership: Lessons from Chicago on the politics of racial justice. Journal of Research on Leadership Education13(1), 79-104.


Wood, J. L. (2014). Apprehension to engagement in the classroom: Perceptions of Black males in the community college. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education27(6), 785-803.


Wood, J. L. (2014). Apprehension to engagement in the classroom: Perceptions of Black males in the community collegeInternational Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education27(6), 785-803.


Wood, J. L., Palmer, R. T., & Harris, F. (2015). Men of color in community colleges: A synthesis of empirical findings. In Higher education: Handbook of theory and research (pp. 431-468). Springer, Cham.


Wood, J. L., & Turner, C. S. (2010). Black males and the community college: Student perspectives on faculty and academic success. Community College Journal of Research and Practice35(1-2), 135-151.


Yosso, T. J. (2002). Toward a critical race curriculum. Equity & Excellence in Education35(2), 93-107.


Yosso, T. J. (2013). Critical race counterstories along the Chicana/Chicano educational pipeline. NY: Routledge.


Yosso, T., Smith, W., Ceja, M., & Solórzano, D. (2009). Critical race theory, racial microaggressions, and campus racial climate for Latina/o undergraduates. Harvard Educational Review79(4), 659-691.


Zamani-Gallaher, E. M. (2007). The confluence of race, gender, and class among community college students: Assessing attitudes toward affirmative action in college admissions. Equity & Excellence in Education40(3), 241-251.


Zamani-Gallaher, E. M., Graves, C. W., Luzynski, C., & Ford, J. (2014). Exploring the relationship of race and gender among transfer STEM students. In J. L. Wood & R. T. Palmer (Eds.), STEM Models of Success: Programs, Policies, and Practices in the Community College, 27-45. Charlotte, NC: IAP.