College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Lumina Racial Justice Institute

This project has been completed and is no longer active.
However, we hope you are able to utilize its resources.

Race Matters in the Community College Context

Racial Justice Institute in Chicago

OCCRL offered three nationwide institutes designed to provide regional professional development opportunities for community college faculty, student-affairs professionals, and academic-affairs administrators. The Community College Equity Assessment Lab at San Diego State University was a collaborating partner and funding for the institutes was made possible by the Lumina Foundation.   

Those attending the Advancing Racial Justice and Equitable Outcomes Community Colleges Institutes learned how to define issues of race on two-year campuses, develop a clear understanding of educational equity, and received guidance on action plans to improve learning environments and achieve equitable student outcomes.

Designed with the current environment of intensifying racial backlash and escalating resistance to racial justice in mind, the institutes fostered clear pathways to educational attainment and assist with the Lumina Foundation’s goal of 60% of U.S. citizens attaining postsecondary credentials by 2025.

Attendees received a toolkit and guide that focus on culturally responsive practices surrounding implicit bias, intergroup dialogue, and racial battle fatigue. Opportunities for engagement and professional development pertaining to racial justice were available at the conclusion of all three institutes. Meet the speakers who presented at each event and view slides from a breakout session.

In addition, the Equity Eye-Opener Webinar Series that resulted from the institutes offers a professional development tool with dialogues on equitable practices to promote courageous conversations and activist leadership around pervasive tensions in race relations within community college settings. The series features educational leaders, scholars, and practitioners who are experts in advancing inclusive campus climates and racial equity.

Lumina Foundation