College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Engagement and Commitment

The Engagement and Commitment phase involves a broad-based partnership of stakeholders who are committed to creating more equitable outcomes for all students. When selecting individuals to work with, consideration should be given to selecting those who are responsible for:

  • Program quality, including program review and improvement
  • Academic (K-12 and college) and career planning
  • Student success within and beyond the classroom
  • Curriculum and instructional innovation, including technology applications
  • Student assessment and advisement
  • Student progression, credentialing, and completion
  • Achievement and success for all students

The partnership should include representatives from all levels of education, including K-12 schools and postsecondary institutions (two- and four-year colleges and universities); employers and labor; workforce and adult providers; community-based organizations; and others who are committed to the future of the region’s education, workforce, and economic entities.


An open partnership with thoughtful dialogue about the fundamental ways that programs and pathways can be improved is formed in the Engagement & Commitment phase.

A critical goal of Pathways to Results is to close gaps in academic achievement, high school graduation, college and career readiness, college transition and completion, credential attainment, placement in family-wage employment, and other critical outcomes within student subgroups so that all students benefit from their education experience. Individuals who champion success for underserved student populations are an especially important asset to the Pathways to Results process.


The goals of this process are to:

  1. Engage and gain the commitment of key partners and team members in implementing and improving programs and pathways.
  2. Review existing data to help specify and refine the initial problem statement that is included in the Pathways to Results Charter.