College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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OCCRL Staff and Affiliates


Gianina Baker
Associate Director of Evaluation, Learning and Equitable Assessment
Stacy Meredith Bennett
Teaching Assistant Professor, College of Education at Illinois; and Senior Research Associate, OCCRL
Senior Research Assistant
Jeongsan Hwang
Research Assistant
Hanna Kim
Research Assistant
H.M. Kuneyl
Research Assistant
Sal Nudo
Communications Manager
Senior Research Assistant
Ayinde Rochon
Research Assistant
Dr. Oliver Tapaha
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership at Illinois
Karla Velasco
Research Assistant

OCCRL Affiliates

Cassie Barlow
President, Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education
Chequita S. Brown
Director, Casey Family Programs
Assistant Professor, College of ACES at Illinois
Assistant Professor at University of California, Riverside
Raina Dyer-Barr
Director for Community College Research and Engagement in the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh
Assistant Professor, Educational Administration & Leadership
Derek A. Houston
Associate Professor, Educational Leadership
Edward J. Leach
Executive Director, National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD)
Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh
Marci Rockey
Assistant Coordinator & Academic Advisor for the CSPA program at Illinois State University
Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology
Research Assistant and Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at the Graduate College
Dr. Jason L. Taylor
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy at University of Utah
Asif Wilson
Assistant Professor of Social Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Maria Wright
Professor of Education
Dr. Eboni M. Zamani-Gallaher
Associate Dean of Equity, Justice and Strategic Partnerships for the School of Education and Professor of Higher Education at the University of Pittsburgh

Past Affiliates

Research Assistant
Dr. Helen Burn
Mathematics Professor and Director of the Curriculum Research Group at Highline College
Dr. Matt Giani
Research Scientist, Office of Strategy and Policy at University of Texas at Austin
Monica Gonzalez Ybarra
Assistant Professor of Curriculum & Instruction at the College of Education at Illinois
Assistant Director, National Center for Institutional Diversity
Assistant Professor at Texas A&M
Associate Professor of Higher Education and Director of Student Engagement at USC Race and Equity Center at University of Southern California
Jason Keist
Research Assistant
Brandi Neal
Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Southern Indiana
Research Assistant
Dr. George Reese
Director of the Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (MSTE)
Chauntee Thrill
Assistant Professor of Higher Education at Appalachian State University
Francena Turner
Postdoctoral Associate for Data Curation in African American History and Culture at Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
Dr. J. Luke Wood
Professor of Community College Leadership and the Director of the Doctoral Program in Community College Leadership at San Diego State University
HyeJin Tina Yeo
Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of California Los Angeles