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Champaign , USA
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While the focus on career pathways to and through postsecondary education is increasing, the connections between local implementation, student-level data, and scholarly research on student success are not intuitive. It can be hard to navigate for the purposes of facilitating inquiry-oriented activities dedicated to improving student success-driven pathways. Process improvements to curricular and co-curricular programs, extending from marketing and recruitment to outcomes (e.g., learning, retention, completion), require student-level data that can be hard to acquire. Such transformations are complex and finding solutions can be overwhelming.
For practitioners, administrators, and other educational leader striving to improve career pathways, this short webinar will introduce a systematic way of using research and resources to support conversations about meaningful and equitable changes to student pathways. Participants will learn about a framework that connects critical principles for career pathway design, with evidence on individual student populations and best practice, and be introduced to an array of resources on these topics from OCCRL, including the newly released brief Exploring the Role of First-Year Experiences in Enhancing Equity & Outcomes.
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