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Champaign , USA
Speaker Information: |
Debra Bragg, OCCRL Heather McCambly, OCCRL |
This paper focuses on actions taken to improve Pathways to Results (PTR), a participatory action research initiative focused on continuously improving higher education programs of study. Relying on Mertens’ and Hesse-Biber’s (2013) definition of transformative evaluation, which refers to a mixed methods approach that engages the community under study in a culturally relevant manner to support socially just outcomes, plans to improve PTR will explore how qualitative data on student perceptions can be coupled with quantitative achievement data to support practitioners’ meaning making for the purpose of addressing equity gaps in student achievement and bringing about sustainable change. Based on Mertens (2012, 2013), we believe a mixed-methods approach that is inclusive of student voice has the potential to challenge practitioner’s assumptions about social justice, bring equity gaps and process flaws into clear view, and inspire culturally responsive site-specific action that is scalable.
Sponsor: |
American Evaluation Association |