College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Employing Content-Based Curricula in Nursing at Illinois Central College to Improve Equity and Outcomes for Students

by Edmund Graham / Sep 19, 2016

Pathways to Results has undergone a number of changes over the years in being responsive to practitioners who use it to improve student outcomes within community college pathways. This past year (FY15), OCCRL implemented one of our largest transformations yet – a second year grant focused on the implementation and evaluation of solutions. Five teams piloted this work, Illinois Central College being one. This made sense as Illinois Central was also a part of the original PTR pilot in 2009 and has been a perennial PTR partner over the years.

Our new strategy briefs series highlight the experiences of teams as they work to improve student outcomes through the implementation and evaluation of high impact solutions. In the case of Illinois Central College, their teamed discovered that students had trouble in various healthcare pathways and so decided to embark on a five-year curriculum redesign –shifting from a content based to concept based curriculum. To learn more about Illinois Central’s work, check out Employing Content-Based Curricula in Nursing at Illinois Central College to Improve Equity and Outcomes for Students.

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