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The Road to College Readiness: Redesigning Developmental Education for Student Success

by Heather L. Fox / Mar 30, 2016

Colleges across the country are exploring new approaches to assisting students to gain the reading, writing, and math foundations needed to be successful in their college courses. This involves providing alternatives to the traditional sequence of developmental courses, and includes accelerated models, modularization, contextualization, integrated support services, learning communities, and learning labs.  

TCI is featuring two TAACCCT consortia that are redesigning their developmental education to support student success. We encourage you to read the two-page briefs described below and listen to insights shared in the corresponding podcasts.  How could adopting and adapting these strategies benefit your students?

*Photo: Nathan Thomas, a MoHealthWINs student, and Mark Chmiel, Educational Assistant II, in the Adult Learning Academy at St. Louis Community College.

Strategy Briefs on Developmental Education Redesign

  • Developmental Education Redesign The Colorado Online Energy Training Consortium (COETC) developmental education redesign involves replacing the traditional sequence of developmental education courses with courses that employ acceleration, modularization, and contextualization. Podcast: Matt Stilwell (COETC) discusses faculty’s role in the redesign of developmental education.
  • Intrusive Student Support and Contextualized Developmental EducationMoHealthWINs colleges are redesigning developmental education and implementing intrusive student support services. Podcast: Beverly Hickam (MoHealthWINs) talks about the value of student support services.