College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Introducing the New Pathways To Results (PTR)

by Heather McCambly and Debra D. Bragg / Oct 19, 2015

Recently, Illinois’ Forum for Excellence provided the opportunity for several OCCRL researchers to present improvements to Pathways to Results (PTR) that emphasize:

  • Using student outcomes data to drive all aspects of PTR
  • Ensuring that data on student equity outcomes drives decision-making on the engagement and commitment of partners, process and practice assessment, and process improvement and evaluation
  • Emphasizing review and reflection from the start to the finish of all PTR projects

These improvements in PTR came about through research conducted by OCCRL researchers during the 2014-15 academic year. "Improving a Path to Equity: Engaging Student Voices" by Heather McCambly and Debra Bragg and "Pathways to Results: Five Teams, Five Experiences in the Spotlight" by Heather McCambly and Edmund Graham III provide additional supporting information regarding the changes that were adopted to improve PTR.

OCCRL looks forward to the opportunity to work with practitioners across the state of Illinois to implement new PTR projects in 2015-16. Despite state budget woes, OCCRL’s commitment to improving equity and outcomes through PTR does not waiver.

Heather McCambly, M.A., is the Project Coordinator for the Pathways to Results and Finish Up Illinois initiatives at the Office of Community College Research and Leadership.

Dr. Debra D. Bragg is the founding director of the Office of Community College Research and Leadership.