College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Scaling Up Pathways to Results 2013 Conference

by Sujung Kim / Feb 25, 2013

The Scaling Up Pathways to Results 2013 conference will be held on March 7, 2013 at Hilton Garden Inn in Champaign.  Pathways to Results (PTR) is an outcome-focused, equity-guided process to improve programs and policies that support student transition to and through postsecondary education and employment. PTR focuses on addressing equity gaps between diverse learner groups and continuously improving processes critical to student success, including retention, completion of postsecondary credentials, and transition to employment.

OCCRL is excited to announce that Jim Applegate, Vice President for Strategic Impact at Lumina Foundation, will deliver a keynote. Under Jim Applegate’s leadership, Lumina has expanded its commitment to the “Goal 2025”. “Goal 2025” aims to increase educational attainment especially for low income, first generation, minority, and adult students by implementing effective practices and policies to increase the number of students’ transition to higher education, their successes in college, and their acquirement of highly quality credentials.

Attendees will also have opportunities to share and to learn about key components of the PTR process including:

  • Implementing Programs of Study at the secondary level
  • Evidence of equitable student outcomes
  • The key to partnerships
  • How to use data to measure progress
  • Curriculum alignment and mapping

The registration deadline has now passed. Thank you to everyone who registered!