College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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OCCRL Receives Research Grant for Multi-State CWID Initiative

by Jason Taylor / Oct 11, 2012

OCCRL is pleased to announce that it will lead the research and development component of the multi-state initiative called “Credit When It’s Due: Recognizing the Value of the Quality Associate Degree.” The Credit When It’s Due (CWID) initiative, funded by The Lumina Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Helios Foundation, Kresge Foundation, and USA Funds, will support 12 states to expand programs intended to increase associate degree completion by transfer students currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree.

A press release about the CWID initiative is available on the Lumina Foundation website. More information about OCCRL’s role in the initiative is available on the CWID project page on OCCRL’s website and the College of Education’s website.