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Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Latina/o Community College Students Culturally Producing the Pretransfer Culture

José Del Real Viramontes

This session by José Del Real Viramontes, a research assistant at OCCRL, will share findings from a study highlighting how Latina/o/x community college transfer students navigated the transfer process. The project aims to bridge research and practice to strengthen the Latina/o/x community college to university transfer pipeline.

Findings from this study provide insights on how four-year universities can outreach to Latina/o/x community college students during the pretransfer process, further promoting a transfer-receptive culture and greater success for Latina/o/x students who use the community college as a pathway into higher education.

Learn more about the 2019 American College Personnel Association, where this session will take place.

Past Events

Latina/o Community College Students Culturally Producing the Pretransfer Culture

José Del Real Viramontes

This session by José Del Real Viramontes, a research assistant at OCCRL, will share findings from a study highlighting how Latina/o/x community college transfer students navigated the transfer process. The project aims to bridge research and practice to strengthen the Latina/o/x community college to university transfer pipeline.

Findings from this study provide insights on how four-year universities can outreach to Latina/o/x community college students during the pretransfer process, further promoting a transfer-receptive culture and greater success for Latina/o/x students who use the community college as a pathway into higher education.

Learn more about the 2019 American College Personnel Association, where this session will take place.