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OCCRL Twitter Chat: Latinxs in STEM Pathways at Hispanic-'Serving' Community Colleges

During the past two decades, Hispanic-"serving" community colleges have continued to enroll a significant number of Latinx students in higher education. This Twitter chat will cover STEM pathways, student identity, college readiness, and the navigation that takes place between two- and four-year contexts in college. Join the Office of Community College Research and Leadership and our invited scholars to learn more about this critical higher-education sector. 

Use the hashtag #HSCCSTEM to participate with:

Dr. Erin Doran, Assistant Professor at Iowa State University
Dr. Gina Garcia, Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr., Assistant Professor at Florida Atlantic University
Angel L. Velez, Ph.D. Student at Illinois

Past Events

OCCRL Twitter Chat: Latinxs in STEM Pathways at Hispanic-'Serving' Community Colleges

During the past two decades, Hispanic-"serving" community colleges have continued to enroll a significant number of Latinx students in higher education. This Twitter chat will cover STEM pathways, student identity, college readiness, and the navigation that takes place between two- and four-year contexts in college. Join the Office of Community College Research and Leadership and our invited scholars to learn more about this critical higher-education sector. 

Use the hashtag #HSCCSTEM to participate with:

Dr. Erin Doran, Assistant Professor at Iowa State University
Dr. Gina Garcia, Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr., Assistant Professor at Florida Atlantic University
Angel L. Velez, Ph.D. Student at Illinois