College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Black Minds Matter public course livestream broadcast (weekly on Monday evenings)

Monday evenings, October 23, 2017 - December 11, 2017

Speaker: Dr. J. Luke Wood at San Diego State University

As you know issues of race and the dilemma of difference are continued tensions. Many students, staff, and faculty have experienced racialized antipathy and have shared concerns about the climate on- and off-campus. There is a course entitled Black Minds Matter that will be taught by Dr. J. Luke Wood at San Diego State University. Dr. Wood will be offering the first 60-75 minutes of the class as an open course. The Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL) along with co-sponsoring by the Department of Education, Policy, Organization and Leadership (EPOL) and the Higher Education Collaborative (HEC) will be a livestreaming site for the SDSU 8-week Black Minds Matter course. You can register individually through 10/22 as well as elect to attend the Monday evening live-streaming with facilitative dialogue to follow October 23-December 11 (Room 2, COE). Food and beverages will be provided.

The content of this course and opportunities to be engaged in deliberative conversations on race, our experiences, how to build community and support one other is critical. Please see the press release, article with an overview of the course, syllabus, and flyer

Past Events

Black Minds Matter public course livestream broadcast (weekly on Monday evenings)

Monday evenings, October 23, 2017 - December 11, 2017

Speaker: Dr. J. Luke Wood at San Diego State University

As you know issues of race and the dilemma of difference are continued tensions. Many students, staff, and faculty have experienced racialized antipathy and have shared concerns about the climate on- and off-campus. There is a course entitled Black Minds Matter that will be taught by Dr. J. Luke Wood at San Diego State University. Dr. Wood will be offering the first 60-75 minutes of the class as an open course. The Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL) along with co-sponsoring by the Department of Education, Policy, Organization and Leadership (EPOL) and the Higher Education Collaborative (HEC) will be a livestreaming site for the SDSU 8-week Black Minds Matter course. You can register individually through 10/22 as well as elect to attend the Monday evening live-streaming with facilitative dialogue to follow October 23-December 11 (Room 2, COE). Food and beverages will be provided.

The content of this course and opportunities to be engaged in deliberative conversations on race, our experiences, how to build community and support one other is critical. Please see the press release, article with an overview of the course, syllabus, and flyer