Speaker Information:
Dr. Stephen John Quaye, Miami University
Since 2014, visible, public student activism has been on the rise. #BlackLivesMatter activists, specifically, have used protesting, teach-ins, and meetings with campus administrators to call attention to racism on campuses and in the larger society. Often, this activism is spurred by the continued senseless killing of Black people by police officers and continued racism on their campuses. With social media, it is often easier for these killings to gain attention with images of these slain Black bodies being tweeted and retweeted constantly.
Often missing, however, from the conversation about activism is how scholars engage in activism. What is the role of scholars in engaging in activism? And how do scholars practice self-care with the onslaught of media attention to Black people being killed? In this talk, I make a case for scholar activism, that is, activism by faculty, researchers, or scholars, and how scholars blend their activist identities with their scholarship. I explore the possibilities and challenges of scholar activism and strategies for practicing self-care in the midst of this
Part of the Dean's Diversity Lecture Series
Accompanying fireside chat at 3:00 pm at 16 Education Building.
The College of Education, The Office of the Provost, The Office of Community College Research and Leadership