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Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Developing and Retaining Leadership Talent: Fostering Advancement for Diverse Faculty and Staff

Speaker Information:

Pamela Eddy, William & Mary School of Education

This session will focus on the portrait of today’s college leaders, which shows that top positions remain stubbornly filled by white males and suggests strategies for rethinking constructions of leadership ideals. Despite leadership development programs targeting women and diverse leaders, these populations have not obtained equity in leadership ranks. New visions of leadership require questioning who can be considered for leadership and where leadership occurs.  Development of mid-level leaders and changing norms of who gets access to leadership development can provide leverage for change. Questioning underlying assumptions about leadership is required for true change to occur, however, and both individuals and institutions can contribute to building the new models of leadership. Institutional policy can help create a climate that fosters more diverse leadership and addresses structural issues that remain as barriers. Colleges and universities need to tap into the talent of all potential leaders.

Part of the Dean's Diversity Lecture Series

Lecture at noon; Illini Union, Room 104

3 p.m. fireside chat with College of Education faculty and staff in Room 16 of the Education building

College of Education and OCCRL


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Developing and Retaining Leadership Talent: Fostering Advancement for Diverse Faculty and Staff

Speaker Information:

Pamela Eddy, William & Mary School of Education

This session will focus on the portrait of today’s college leaders, which shows that top positions remain stubbornly filled by white males and suggests strategies for rethinking constructions of leadership ideals. Despite leadership development programs targeting women and diverse leaders, these populations have not obtained equity in leadership ranks. New visions of leadership require questioning who can be considered for leadership and where leadership occurs.  Development of mid-level leaders and changing norms of who gets access to leadership development can provide leverage for change. Questioning underlying assumptions about leadership is required for true change to occur, however, and both individuals and institutions can contribute to building the new models of leadership. Institutional policy can help create a climate that fosters more diverse leadership and addresses structural issues that remain as barriers. Colleges and universities need to tap into the talent of all potential leaders.

Part of the Dean's Diversity Lecture Series

Lecture at noon; Illini Union, Room 104

3 p.m. fireside chat with College of Education faculty and staff in Room 16 of the Education building

College of Education and OCCRL


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