Speaker Information:
Dian Squire
A fireside chat to accompany to immediately preceding lecture, "Reframing Racial Justice: A Discussion on Plantation Politics, Neoracism, & Critical Race Tempered Radicalism," Part of the Dean's Diversity Lecture Series.
Dian Squire is a visiting assistant professor in the student affairs program.
Prior to starting at Iowa State University, Dian was a postdoctoral fellow in the University of Denver’s Interdisciplinary Research Institute for the Study of (in)Equality (IRISE). Dian’s research focuses on issues of diversity, equity, and justice in higher
education. He particularly focuses on access to graduate education and the
experiences of diverse graduate students. He utilizes organizational perspectives
to help explain individual behavior and experience in order to transform organizational structures to support equity and justice. He also writes on student activism, racial justice, campus institutional change, and critical praxis in student affairs.
College of Education and OCCRL