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But Some of Us Are Brave: Negotiating the Intersection of Race and Gender on the Path to Full Professor

Speaker Information:

Joy Gaston Gayles, NCSU
Mary Howard-Hamilton, Indiana State University
Lori Patton Davis, Indiana University - Perdue University Indianapolis
D-L Stewart, Bowling Green State University
Sherry Watt, University of Iowa

Part of the 41st Annual ASHE Conference.

This interactive symposium highlights the intersection of race, gender, and inequity on the road to full professor as it is one less traveled. This session aims to generate a discourse about the importance of full professorship and advance understanding of the promotion process across institutional types post-tenure associate rank.

Organizer: Eboni M. Zamani-Gallaher, OCCRL, University of Illinois


The Association for the Study of Higher Education


Past Events

But Some of Us Are Brave: Negotiating the Intersection of Race and Gender on the Path to Full Professor

Speaker Information:

Joy Gaston Gayles, NCSU
Mary Howard-Hamilton, Indiana State University
Lori Patton Davis, Indiana University - Perdue University Indianapolis
D-L Stewart, Bowling Green State University
Sherry Watt, University of Iowa

Part of the 41st Annual ASHE Conference.

This interactive symposium highlights the intersection of race, gender, and inequity on the road to full professor as it is one less traveled. This session aims to generate a discourse about the importance of full professorship and advance understanding of the promotion process across institutional types post-tenure associate rank.

Organizer: Eboni M. Zamani-Gallaher, OCCRL, University of Illinois


The Association for the Study of Higher Education
