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Advancing Equitable Student Outcomes: Building Instutional Capacity in Engaging Males of Color

Speaker Information:

Dr. J. Luke Wood
Associate Professor & Doctoral Program Director
College of Education Community College Leadership Programs
San Diego State University

2015–2016 Bureau of Educational Research Seminar Series

Research on Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice

Seminar 4

Advancing Equitable Student Outcomes: Building Instutional Capacity in Engaging Males of Color

J. Luke Wood, PhD, is Associate Professor of Community College Leadership and the Director of the Doctoral Program in Community College Leadership at San Diego State University (SDSU). Dr. Wood is also Co-Director of the Minority Male Community College Collaborative (M2C3), a national research and practice center that partners with community colleges to support their capacity in advancing outcomes for men of color. He is also Chair for the Council on Ethnic Participation (CEP) for the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) and Co-Editor of the Journal of Applied Research in the Community College (JARCC). Wood’s research focuses on factors affecting the success of men of color in the community college. In particular, his research examines contributors (e.g., social, psychological, academic, environmental, institutional) to positive outcomes (e.g., persistence, achievement, attainment, transfer, labor market outcomes) for these men. In particular, his research examines contributors to student persistence, achievement, attainment, and transfer for these men. Dr. Wood has delivered over a 120 scholarly professional and conference presentations. His research has been featured by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, New York Times, Chronicle of Higher Education, Huffington Post, C-SPAN, and National Press Club. Dr. Wood has authored over 100 publications, including six coauthored books, six edited books, and more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles.



Bureau of Educational Research and OCCRL


Past Events

Advancing Equitable Student Outcomes: Building Instutional Capacity in Engaging Males of Color

Speaker Information:

Dr. J. Luke Wood
Associate Professor & Doctoral Program Director
College of Education Community College Leadership Programs
San Diego State University

2015–2016 Bureau of Educational Research Seminar Series

Research on Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice

Seminar 4

Advancing Equitable Student Outcomes: Building Instutional Capacity in Engaging Males of Color

J. Luke Wood, PhD, is Associate Professor of Community College Leadership and the Director of the Doctoral Program in Community College Leadership at San Diego State University (SDSU). Dr. Wood is also Co-Director of the Minority Male Community College Collaborative (M2C3), a national research and practice center that partners with community colleges to support their capacity in advancing outcomes for men of color. He is also Chair for the Council on Ethnic Participation (CEP) for the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) and Co-Editor of the Journal of Applied Research in the Community College (JARCC). Wood’s research focuses on factors affecting the success of men of color in the community college. In particular, his research examines contributors (e.g., social, psychological, academic, environmental, institutional) to positive outcomes (e.g., persistence, achievement, attainment, transfer, labor market outcomes) for these men. In particular, his research examines contributors to student persistence, achievement, attainment, and transfer for these men. Dr. Wood has delivered over a 120 scholarly professional and conference presentations. His research has been featured by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, New York Times, Chronicle of Higher Education, Huffington Post, C-SPAN, and National Press Club. Dr. Wood has authored over 100 publications, including six coauthored books, six edited books, and more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles.



Bureau of Educational Research and OCCRL