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Program Impact and Improvement: Practical Approaches to Program Evaluation

Speaker Information:

Heather L. Fox

Program evaluation can foster program improvement and better outcomes for clients. However; the thought of planning and conducting program evaluation can be anxiety provoking, especially in light of the everyday demands of program management. The goal of this interactive presentation is to provide you with the information and resources you will need to start the program evaluation process. There are three objectives of this presentation. The first objective is to provide an overview of the stages program evaluation.  The second objective is to provide practical advice on how to integrate evaluation in your existing practice while avoid timely and costly pitfalls. The final objective is to provide a toolkit of resources that can be tapped to support your program evaluation efforts.


Illinois Senior Corps Associations and the Illinois State Office of the Corporation for National & Community Service

Past Events

Program Impact and Improvement: Practical Approaches to Program Evaluation

Speaker Information:

Heather L. Fox

Program evaluation can foster program improvement and better outcomes for clients. However; the thought of planning and conducting program evaluation can be anxiety provoking, especially in light of the everyday demands of program management. The goal of this interactive presentation is to provide you with the information and resources you will need to start the program evaluation process. There are three objectives of this presentation. The first objective is to provide an overview of the stages program evaluation.  The second objective is to provide practical advice on how to integrate evaluation in your existing practice while avoid timely and costly pitfalls. The final objective is to provide a toolkit of resources that can be tapped to support your program evaluation efforts.


Illinois Senior Corps Associations and the Illinois State Office of the Corporation for National & Community Service