Speaker Information: | Heather Fox, OCCRL Peggy Heinrich, Elgin Community College. |
As new innovations prove to improve student outcomes and program, organizational, and system performance, colleges and their partners turn to the task of sustaining and scaling the innovation. This interactive session is designed to guide attendees in starting an envisioning process, wherein they consider how the innovation will spread and how it will endure. The session will start with an interactive discussion where attendees identify and describe their college’s “best idea” for scaling student success. Attendees will be introduced to the Transformative Change Initiatives’ framework for scaling innovations that draws on current research and the experiences and work being done by community colleges across the nation that are scaling innovations. The framework which consists of eight guiding principles is designed to promote transformative change through informed decision making. Reflecting this framework, attendees will learn about the scaling process that is currently underway at Elgin Community College, where the college is working to sustain and scale practices put into place through their Accelerating Opportunity grant to help more students to succeed in targeted CTE programs. Finally, attendees will be guided in determining the next steps in their efforts to scale transformative change, and an overview of the tools and resources available to support them will be shared.
Sponsor: | Illinois Community College Board |