Pathways to Equity: Educational Justice in Illinois Higher Education
Heartland Community College (Normal, Illinois), Rooms 1406 and 1407
The 2025 OCCRL Equity Academy will be an opportunity to learn, share, and collaborate with friends, colleagues, and peers on lessons learned from the Equity Plan & Practices Framework, which aims to close gaps in enrollment, retention, and completion for underrepresented groups. Attendees will learn about practical strategies and gain tools to champion equity at their institutions while centering on student success.
Keynote speaker: Dr. OiYan Poon, Co-Director of College Admissions Futures Co-Laborative at University of Maryland, College Park
Event Schedule
10-11 a.m. - Introductions and keynote talk
11 - Noon - "Equitable Promising Practices at Community Colleges" discussion with moderator Lisa Castillo-Richmond
Noon - 1 p.m. - working lunch and small-group discussions
1-2 p.m. - Dr. Lorenzo Baber on CLNA and equity plans, large-group discussion, and closing