College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Larry Good, Participating Stakeholder Expert

Larry Good is a leader in designing and implementing transformative workforce-development change strategies that result in scalable results. He is co-leading Connecting Credentials and working in partnership with the Lumina Foundation to conduct a national dialogue and actionable change to connect the dots among degrees, certificates, industry certifications and other credentials. Good is also part of the Corporation for Skilled Workforce (CSW) in Detroit, working with the support of JP Morgan Chase to help Mayor Duggan’s team and partners undertake strategies and system changes that will result in increasing employment and skills for Detroit residents. Larry co-founded CSW in 1991 and served as the organization's president and CEO from 1991 to 2005, as well as its chair from 2005 to 2017. His work focuses on reinvention of public policy and practice in the area of adult learning, which includes creating market-relevant credentials and integrating the basic development of skills within career pathways.