College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Kysha Frazier, Participating Stakeholder Expert

Kysha Frazier joined the Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) in 2008 as a senior policy associate, conducting a blend of research and development, project implementation, and technical assistance that focused on strengthening companies and communities. Frazier is the CSW lead for the Workforce Benchmarking Network, which identifies meaningful outcome benchmarks for the workforce development field that is focused on using data for continuous improvement. She is currently partnering with the National Governors Association to provide customized technical assistance to grant recipients of the American Apprenticeship Initiative. Prior to joining CSW in 2008, Frazier created, launched, and served as a business unit leader of the Cascade Consulting Group, a consulting division of Grand Rapids Manufactuerer, Cascade Engineering. She was responsible for identifying and designing innovative solutions that assisted clients in becoming choice employers. Prior to working in the private sector, Frazier served as the assistant director of career services at Hope College.