College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Heather McCambly, Participating Stakeholder Expert

Heather McCambly is a doctoral candidate in the Human Development and Social Policy program at Northwestern University and serves as a consultant at the Office of Community College Research and Leadership at Illinois. Her research traces the processes by which an increasingly influential set of policy actors—grant-making and philanthropic organizations, for instance—develop and select frames reflective of different race and class ideologies, and the causal effects of these frames on higher education policies. McCambly's work is timely in the sense that numerous organizations continue to take up issues of “diversity” or “inclusion” even as historical patterns of racial stratification persist. Her work highlights how the failure to attend to elites' frames and preferences relevant to racial inequality prevents the field from understanding the limitations and the relative efficacy of one frame over another in achieving longstanding and increasingly urgent social goals. McCambly came to Northwestern after nearly a decade working in education policy in state government and national nonprofits, where she focused on policies intended to reduce the persistent disadvantages experienced by minoritized college students.